The day we got there the weather was perfect. It was just about the most perfect day I've ever seen on the Oregon Coast, and I lived on the coast for 4 years all through out high school. It was around 70 degrees, the sky was crystal blue and there was no wind at all.
Elliott loved it She splashed around forever in a little creek that runs into the Ocean. The water in the creek was much warmer than out in the surf.
She also got a kick out of making sand castles. She started right at it when we arrived and then continued when we got her bathing suit on her.
As is customary in any trip to the beach Elliott had to be buried in the sand. She really liked that.
She even tried to bury Morgan. She was covering her feet and right after I snapped this pic she dumped a shovel full of sand right on Morgan's crotch. In case you think Morgan's got some kinda crazy head gear going on there let me clue you in, she's wearing Elliott's little hoodie.
The day we left it was pretty standard Oregon Coast weather, kind of cold, cloudy, a little drizzly and a bit windy. Here's Elliott about to take her last walk on the beach when Morgan mentioned something about a cookie and she stopped dead in her tracks, turned around and said "Oh! Cookie!".
When we were sitting on the beach a helicopter flew by. Elliott threw her arms up in the air and said, "Oh! A helicopter! I catch it daddy" and started running down the beach after it.
When we left for Portland we stopped in Tillamook and visited the Tillamook Cheese Factory. We toured the Factory, got some free samples and then got some ice cream. Elliott was very impressed with all the cheese when she watched them packaging it up on the plant floor.
Then we went to the Blue Heron French Cheese Company. They have goats that you can feed, so we got Elliott a bag of goat food and watched the good times roll. She had a blast and couldn't stop laughing when they got next to her and took the food out of her hand.
Don't worry, I didn't try to give beer to any of the goats. Not even this one, even though he looks like he could use one.
When we left Portland for Spokane we stopped by Multnomah Falls to show Elliott the waterfall.
Morgan said I was weirding people out when I was pointing up to the falls and telling Elliott about a truck sized boulder that crashed down injuring a bunch of people on the bridge including a wedding party. What can I say, I full of all kinds of useless knowledge.
Well that's it for vacation pix this edition. As for media stuff, Our news department is broadcasting entirely in High Definition now, so that's pretty cool. And am I the only one who just doesn't care about the Olympics? I must have been Inoculated for Olympic Fever.
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