This is of the huge Catholic Church in Puerto Vallarta. It’s pretty cool, there was a huge festival going on when we there and on Sunday thousands of people lined the streets, all flowing into the church to pray.
I went up to Portland about 2 weeks ago for one night and one night only, unfortunately Morgan had to work and could not go with me. It was the last night Little Lost Robot was going to be in Portland. He has since moved to South Carolina. I went up for his farewell bash at the Ambassador for one final night of Karaoke madness. The most surreal part was when the main female anchor from one of the Portland affiliates showed up around 11:45, began drinking, and by 1:00am ended up singing Don Henley’s “Dirty Laundry” while still wearing her anchor clothes. She even had all of her anchor makeup on still and her hair looked like she just stepped off the set. I had to stop and take a step back for a sec, because I thought I’d stepped into some kind of wacky movie. I got video of it too it was awesome. The second most surreal moment was when the two little Asian twins got up and sang “I’m all out of love” by Air Supply in broken English.
Here’s a shot of me in some kind of rock pose while two girls (I have no idea who they are) seem to really be enjoying my rendition of Britney Spears’ “Hit Me Baby One More Time”. I totally do not remember this picture being taken, but I really like the way it was framed up.
One last thing. Check out B. Alan Orange’s latest column on Movieweb.com. It’s about the 23 titles he needs to come out on DVD to make his life complete before Blue-Ray Discs and HD-DVDs are fully acclimated into our lifestyle. If you can’t get past his rant at the beginning of the column, scroll down to number 23 and check out the final familiar title on his list.
Funny I don’t remember working for the SciFi Channel, I must have blocked that out.
Speaking of out, That’s what I am,