Monday, December 19, 2005

'Tis the Season

Are you freakin' kidding me.....Are you freakin' kidding me.....How freakin' cute is that picture? She didn't even cry or anything. God, she's the best in the biz.....the baby biz......she's bonafied.

I usually don't care for Christmas time, but this year I'm actually looking forward to it. I have my own little family, and we're all going to Portland to visit with the Fam. I can't wait for that. I miss Oregon so much. It was Ten degrees today....that sucks. I might not come back

CS out

Saturday, December 10, 2005

All Clear

Yes we have no riots, we have no riots today! The Nazis had their rally and only about 50 of them showed up (instead of the 200 that they were claiming would be here). There were about 50 protestors and no riots. About a dozen people were arrested for crossing into areas that were restricted.

Good times,

Don't Be Hatin'

You Know I just look down at this little face and It's hard for me to believe that there is so much hate in the world.

I will shortly going into work because the neo-nazis have returned to Toledo. They will be rallying at the Government building downtown. A lot of people are pissed off about this and plan to be down there as well. The authorities have blocked off the area were they are going to rally with fences and metal detectors, but the last time a riot broke out it was in areas where the nazis weren't even at. I hope this thing just blows over without incident, but I got a feeling that this might be worse than last time, I hope I'm wrong.

Stay tuned,

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Z-Man

Let me introduce you all to the Z-man. Z sits next to me three days a week and calls me at least 20 times on Saturday and Sunday when he sits the news desk by himself. Here you can see Z eating out of a rather large Pyrex bowl that is filled with brussel sprouts. Z now has to stop eating fast food and drinking beer because his blood sugar 2 weeks ago was at 460. For those of you who don't know....That's a wee bit high.....I am truly marveled each day that he is alive.....he is not a healthy man. Man those brussel sprouts smelled to high heaven, like the inside of a fake leg, or a Bassett hound that drank a case of PBR and got real bad beer farts. I kept Gagging and had to leave the building. When I came back from lunch he still had half a bowl left and the whole newsroom smelled like the inside of Montley Crue's tour bus.

Oh yeah....the weather sucks here and it just keeps getting worse. It was 5 degrees yesterday. FIVE DEGREES!!!!! That is what you call ridiculously cold. When it gets that cold only one thing can cheer me up.....Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

Anyway here's what you've all been waiting for. Pictures of Ella in all her cuteness. She is getting so big, her pudgy little arms and legs are like Vienna sausages. I call her my little Jumbo Shrimp.