Monday, December 19, 2005
'Tis the Season
I usually don't care for Christmas time, but this year I'm actually looking forward to it. I have my own little family, and we're all going to Portland to visit with the Fam. I can't wait for that. I miss Oregon so much. It was Ten degrees today....that sucks. I might not come back
CS out
Saturday, December 10, 2005
All Clear
Good times,
Don't Be Hatin'
I will shortly going into work because the neo-nazis have returned to Toledo. They will be rallying at the Government building downtown. A lot of people are pissed off about this and plan to be down there as well. The authorities have blocked off the area were they are going to rally with fences and metal detectors, but the last time a riot broke out it was in areas where the nazis weren't even at. I hope this thing just blows over without incident, but I got a feeling that this might be worse than last time, I hope I'm wrong.
Stay tuned,
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
The Z-Man
Oh yeah....the weather sucks here and it just keeps getting worse. It was 5 degrees yesterday. FIVE DEGREES!!!!! That is what you call ridiculously cold. When it gets that cold only one thing can cheer me up.....Peanut Butter Jelly Time!
Anyway here's what you've all been waiting for. Pictures of Ella in all her cuteness. She is getting so big, her pudgy little arms and legs are like Vienna sausages. I call her my little Jumbo Shrimp.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Moving Day
I've been meaning to post about LLR's video that he made. It's freakin' Hilarious. He made an almost shot for shot remake of the "My Humps" using only Toy robots. Click here to check it out.
We've been running a commercial a lot lately on our channel that I'm in love with. It's by this security company called CPS that sponsors our Fugitive Of The Week. It starts off with this light airy song over the company's logo.
Your life could be on the LLLIIINNNNEEEE.
Call C-P-S.
Then you quickly see a persons shadow casting across the outside of a house. Dissolve then to the inside of the house to revel the all American waspy family, Mom, daughter(13) and son (6) making air popped popcorn and laughing. Then dissolve back out side to reveal a 1920's cat burglar dressed like a long shoreman holding a flash light and deactivating the home security system. All the while the singer's syrupy B.J. Thomas inspired tune plays on.
Someone could be in your house right now.
Protect your home and the ones you love.
You're life could be on the line,
But we could save you today.
Back inside the house and the family is now watching Batman Forever with there backs to the front door. As the door starts to open, the family somehow instinctively knows that the cat burglar is coming inside behind them as the door gets about an inch open, so they jump up in terror and start to huddle together in the middle of the room. Then slow dissolve to the father, arriving home, standing in the open door frame looking around the room in horror. He puts his hands over his face and begins to weep. The cat burglar has obviously slaughtered his entire family. The music builds to a crescendo and then fades out.
Your live could be on the line to night.
Call C-P-S.
I'm not making this up! It's Freakin' brilliant, plus the whole thing is in super slow motion which only adds to the absurdity. By far it is the best commercial about a family being slaughtered by a cat burglar while watching Batman Forever, EVER!!! It's got to be my favorite commercial of all time next to "Bye Bye....Grandpa loves you". I'll have to ask LLR about webhosting for video so I can get it on the site. I have a copy if anyone wants a dub, I had the guys in Master Control make it for me.
Okay enough of that. Time for Photos of my favorite baby girl.
"Heeeeyyyy, What the heck's going on over there?"
Friday, November 25, 2005
Yep, Still here
Ella's first Thanksgiving was good, if cold.....It was 11 freakin' degrees today, and the crazy thing is, it's supposed to get up to 64 on Monday. I hate the Midwest. But I digress.
I'll try to post more before I get the new site up. In the mean time here are two of my favorite pictures of Elliott. God, She's just the cutest.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween
Grandma Bird Came for a visit last week
CS over and out
Friday, October 28, 2005
Big Update coming
Here are a couple of cute pics to tied you over until I get to that post.
CS over and out
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Ella's Home from the Hospital and a Riot in Toledo all in one day
Anyway, here are some pics from the hospital I didn't get to post and some from her at home over the last couple of days.
The Three wise Guys: Any boy who wants to date Elliott will have to go through a strict screening process performed by myself and these three gentleman...the one in the middle can bite through nails.
Elliott & Daddy
The Godfather: Show Respect
Grandma & Grandpa Bird sent this cool cookie bouquet.
"Elliott's the Cutest, and that's the Truth PPPPTTTTBBBBLLLLLL!"
Not only is she cute, but because she came home the same day a riot broke out in North Toledo, she saved me from going to work, where I probably would have had to gone down to the riot to shoot video of it because we only had two Photogs down there. One of the Photogs was almost attacked numerous times and had his life threatened by a bunch of gang bangers that tried to rob him. The other Photog was hit in the arm by a brick. So thanks for keeping me out of that baby.
CS and Elliott Anne over and out.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Ladies and Gentlemen....Miss Elliott Anne
That's right, at 8:20pm EST Elliott Anne joined our family, weighing in at 8lbs. 15.8oz.
It was a very long and tiring day. They induced Morgan's labor at 7:30am and started monitoring her contractions. At one o'clock the doctor was going to Break Morgan's water, but it broke on it's own at about 12:30pm. She started pushing at 5 til 5pm and she did great, she's the strongest person I know. After she had been pushing for about 2 and a half hours, the doctor decided that the baby was just too big and he was going to have to perform a C-section. Morgan was pretty upset and frustrated, but she was a champ, she's my hero.
We went into the OR at about 8pm and at 8:20pm Elliott joined us.
After that Morgan had to spend about an hour in recovery.
More Pics later I have to get back to the hospital.
Papa CS over and out